This is my beautiful dog Aslan,
who died on 2nd December 1999.



Aslan was about 2 years old
in this picture.

We never knew his real age
because he was a rescue dog
and was already fully grown
but his age was estimated at
about 1 when we took him.

Below is a poem which I wrote because
I felt the need to express my feelings
about Aslan and the way he had touched
my life and the great sense of loss I felt
when he was gone.


We found you in the home for strays
at a time when we needed a friend.
We were bowled over by your "Cool Dude" ways
In a place where chaos was the trend.

We took you home, fed you and bathed you
Anxious to make a good start.
The love was instant and mutual
Aslan had stolen our hearts.

You had these huge brown eyes and silky soft fur,
And ears so big they're outrageous.
And when you greeted people with your lop-sided grin,
Adoration became contagious.

From the start you were always in trouble,
Chewing furniture, carpets and shoes.
And the number of times you escaped from the yard
Would have given Houdini the blues.

You quickly became my special boy
And remained so until the end.
A part of me has died with you,
My beautiful, faithful friend.

I hope you understood, Aslan,
Why I had to send you away.
It's not because I didn't love you.
I loved you too much to make you stay.

Jill Walker

2nd December 1999